EuroCup 2021 Cancelled!
IWBF Europe has continued to closely monitor the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) across Europe and the World, and we look forward to the time when there will be an opportunity for us to play and enjoy competitions again.
The impact of the pandemic on plans for EuroCup 2021 is already well known, with the decision made in October to cancel preliminary rounds. With hope that the situation would allow it, the Competitions Commission planned to arrange special events for clubs in April and May 2021. In reply, 32 clubs showed that they would like to participate.
The Competitions Commission online meeting on 9th January 2021 welcomed the President IWBF Europe, Walter Pfaller and Secretary General, Petr Tuček to consider whether it would be possible to continue with plans to hold club competitions in April and May. Recognising that late notice of cancellation is likely to cause financial problems for the Local Organising Committee and the participating Clubs, the Commission believed that it is necessary to decide now whether to continue with the plans.
Because of the uncertain situation with the pandemic, with new and even more contagious variants being found, restrictions on normal life continuing, closed borders and despite the hope that the vaccine provides, the Commission considered that we could not be certain that disruption would be eased in April.
Remembering that IWBF Europe’s focus must be to protect the health and wellbeing of athletes, team staff, International Technical Officials (ITOs), event staff and all others involved in our sport, and understanding that the Coronavirus situation is still unpredictable, the Competitions Commission decided that it would not be possible to continue with the plans for EuroCup 2021.
With sadness we must therefore inform clubs that the planned competition for EuroCup 2021 is cancelled.
As always, any decision to cancel a competition is not easy but we make it now to protect the health of our athletes and ITOs in the continuing pandemic situation.
IWBF Europe is grateful to all clubs for their support for EuroCup and their understanding in these difficult times. We hope that we will see all teams back on court soon and playing in EuroCup 2022.
David Kingstone
Chair of the Competitions Commission
IWBF Europe